The Problem

Is your company used to a vague survey from the floor of the tank by an inspector with a small flashlight? Or maybe you know your ships could benefit from drones. When inside the depths of a cargo ship, traditional off-the-shelf drones are rendered inoperative due to a lack of GPS signals and magnetic interference to the compass caused by the surrounding steel.


Our Drone Solution

Flying application specific drones like the Legacy One inside the ballast tank of cargo ship can replace a traditional scaffolding method for better data captured much quicker. Get up close and inspect near 100% of your tanks with the Legacy One and its high-resolution payload.


“Personal safety, rapid accurate surveys, and planned outage for asset management are just a few reasons we are pursuing high technologies as tools to improve current operations. As we discovered in the use of Underwater Submersibles, they save time, money and improve safety – we will take that to the air as well.”

–Brad Owens, President
Alternative Marine

Industry Knowledge

With groups like the American Bureau of Shipping, they understand the future is with robotic inspections. For remote visual inspections, they are already turning to drones like the Legacy One. Our team has chatted with a number of ABS executives and surveyors. Together, we’ve brainstormed several ways to implement the Legacy One into your next ship survey.

Legacy One Ship Use Cases

Ballast Tanks

These hard to reach compartments are at the depths of a cargo ship, making them GPS-denied areas. Just recently, our team flew inside the ballast tanks of a 1,000 ft. cargo ship. These no-light areas have many hard to reach sections and are quickly glanced through during an inspection. Use our newly released photo measurement software to quantify various parts of the ballast tank and track corrosion & pitting growth over time as shown above.

Dry Bulk Cargo Holds

These wide-open steel areas closely resemble the same principles of aboveground storage tanks, where the vehicle was initially designed for. The unpackaged cargo hold can contain various substances such as coal, iron ore, taconite, and even agricultural products such as various grains.

LNG & Oil Tanker Ships

Maybe your company utilizes liquid natural gas ships for transportation or even propulsion. By cooling natural gas from its gaseous form to a liquid, it shrinks 600 times its size, making it very effective to transport as a liquid. It is vital to inspect the inner most internal layer of this double lined tank to ensure the LNG is contained. Drones like the Legacy One can save thousands of dollars in an initial internal inspection of an LNG tank.

Get In Touch.

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