Our robotics save lives
Interactive Aerial’s inspection robotics not only save time and money, but most importanly they help remove the human element of confined space inspections. Fill out the form to learn more!
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Our Products

Conquer vertical inspections with ease. Zenith descends up to 500ft and can inspect 100% of an asset in less than an hour. With fully automated inspections, the Zenith captures high resolution visual data and can carry additional payloads like survey-grade LIDAR.

Utilizing LIDAR sensors for navigation and collision avoidance, the Legacy One Gen2 is perfect for inspecting inside large assets. The L1G2 sets the industry standard for highest visual resolution, a 42MP camera to see cracks down to 1/32″, hitting both API & ASME standards.
Included with Zenith or Legacy One, whether you buy, rent, or hire our service team. Measure defects as small as 1/32″ or even calculate surface area to track rate of growth over time. The software even includes photo location tagging, which provides pinpoint defect location inside your asset.